Friday, July 9, 2010

FBI Manhunt in the Bahamas

While the FBI scours the Bahamas with no avail of finding the allusive Teen Bandit, the allure of this Frank Abignale Jr. successor continues to grow. From swiping goods at a local gas station to finding part-time residence within vacant homes to joy-riding in airplanes, Colton has been a fugitive for more than two years and is a suspect in more than five dozen crimes. In his most recent incedent, Colton is suspected of stealing a plane from Indiana and flying to Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas (about a 1300 mile plane ride) where he crash landed in about 3 feet of water around Sandy Point, near the mangrove wetlands at the island's southern tip.

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As the pressure to find Colton increases, with the FBI offering a $10,000 reward and a community of Abaca residents aiding the would be manhunt, the next chapter of this story will draw further spectators and cheers for Colton from the sidelines as well as speculationas to what will happen next.

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